Kamis, 05 November 2015

PDF⋙ Train Stickers (Dover Little Activity Books Stickers) by Bruce LaFontaine

Train Stickers (Dover Little Activity Books Stickers) by Bruce LaFontaine

Train Stickers (Dover Little Activity Books Stickers)

Train Stickers (Dover Little Activity Books Stickers) by Bruce LaFontaine PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This exciting sticker collection invites you to create a parade of old-time trains that span 60 years of railroad history. Included are 16 sticker portraits of freight and cattle cars, an old-fashioned steam locomotive, passenger cars, a caboose from 1900, and a diesel-electric locomotive as well as a chemical tanks car, a flat car, a streamlined Vista-Dome passenger car, and more.
Use these stickers one at a time or line them up to create a special train of your own. Train Stickers are perfect for adding eye-catching interest to school projects, lunch boxes, notebooks, windows, walls, children's furniture, and many other flat surfaces.

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