Minggu, 29 November 2015

PDF⋙ Cincinnati Television (Images of America: Ohio) by Jim Friedman

Cincinnati Television (Images of America: Ohio) by Jim Friedman

Cincinnati Television (Images of America: Ohio)

Cincinnati Television (Images of America: Ohio) by Jim Friedman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Cincinnati has a distinguished television history. Beginning before WLW-T signed on the air in February 1948, its experimental station W8XCT broadcast from the 46th floor of the Carew Tower. WKRC-TV and WCPO-TV signed on in 1949, WCET in 1954, and WXIX-TV in 1968. Since then, television has become part of the family. Uncle Al, Skipper Ryle, Batty Hattie from Cincinnati, the Cool Ghoul, Peter Grant, Al Schottelkotte, Nick Clooney, Ruth Lyons, Paul Baby, Bob Braun, and Jerry Springer visited Cincinnati living rooms on television. Remember Midwestern Hayride, TV Dance Party, PM Magazine, Juvenile Court, Young People’s Specials, Lilias, Dotty Mack, Bob Shreve, Mr. Hop, Bean’s Clubhouse, The Last Prom, and Ira Joe? They are part of the collective Cincinnati history, part of the Cincinnati culture, and part of the Cincinnati family.

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