Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ Advanced Petrophysics: Volume 2: Dispersion, Interfacial Phenomena/Wettability, Capillarity/Capillary Pressure, Relative Permeability by Ekwere J. Peters PhD PE

Advanced Petrophysics: Volume 2: Dispersion, Interfacial Phenomena/Wettability, Capillarity/Capillary Pressure, Relative Permeability by Ekwere J. Peters PhD PE

Advanced Petrophysics: Volume 2: Dispersion, Interfacial Phenomena/Wettability, Capillarity/Capillary Pressure, Relative Permeability

Advanced Petrophysics: Volume 2: Dispersion, Interfacial Phenomena/Wettability, Capillarity/Capillary Pressure, Relative Permeability by Ekwere J. Peters PhD PE PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A practical, fast-paced approach to teaching the concepts and problems common in petroleum engineering that will appeal to a wide range of disciplines Petrophysics is the study of rock properties and their interactions with fluids, including gases, liquid hydrocarbons, and aqueous solutions. This three-volume series from distinguished University of Texas professor Dr. Ekwere J. Peters provides a basic understanding of the physical properties of permeable geologic rocks and the interactions of the various fluids with their interstitial surfaces, with special focus on the transport properties of rocks for single-phase and multiphase flow. Based on Dr. Peters’s graduate course that has been taught internationally in corporations and classrooms, the series covers core topics and includes full-color CT and NMR images, graphs, and figures to illustrate practical application of the material. Topics addressed in volume 2 (chapters 5–8) include • Dispersion in porous media • Interfacial phenomena and wettability • Capillary pressure • Relative permeability Advanced Petrophysics features over 140 exercises designed to strengthen learning and extend concepts into practice. Additional information in the appendices covers dimensional analysis and a series of real-world projects that enable the student to apply the principles presented in the text to build a petrophysical model using well logs and core data from a major petroleum-producing province.

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Advanced Petrophysics: Volume 2: Dispersion, Interfacial Phenomena/Wettability, Capillarity/Capillary Pressure, Relative Permeability by Ekwere J. Peters PhD PE Doc

Advanced Petrophysics: Volume 2: Dispersion, Interfacial Phenomena/Wettability, Capillarity/Capillary Pressure, Relative Permeability by Ekwere J. Peters PhD PE Mobipocket
Advanced Petrophysics: Volume 2: Dispersion, Interfacial Phenomena/Wettability, Capillarity/Capillary Pressure, Relative Permeability by Ekwere J. Peters PhD PE EPub

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