Senin, 26 Oktober 2015

PDF⋙ Object-Oriented Technology and Computing Systems Re-Engineering by H. S. M. Zedan, A Cau

Object-Oriented Technology and Computing Systems Re-Engineering by H. S. M. Zedan, A Cau

Object-Oriented Technology and Computing Systems Re-Engineering

Object-Oriented Technology and Computing Systems Re-Engineering by H. S. M. Zedan, A Cau PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book delivers the latest developments in object technology and their impact in computing systems re-engineering. Object-oriented programming is here shown to provide support for constructing large scale systems that are cheaply built and with reusable components, adaptable to changing requirements and use efficient and cost-effective techniques.

Internationally recognised authorities from Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, the UK and the USA here record their research and development work on the industrial techniques and structured object-oriented methodologies in forward and reverse engineering of computing systems. This book takes stock of progress of that work showing its promise and feasibility, and how its structured technology can overcome the limitations of forward engineering methods used in industry. Forward methods are focused in the domain of reverse engineering to implement a high level of specification for existing software.

The book contains the selected, quintessential content of the first UK Colloquium on Object Technology and Systems Re-Engineering held at Oxford University in 1998. The conference was sponsored by British Telecom Laboratories, EMSI limited and the OOSP Specialised Group of The British Computer Society.

  • Delivers the latest developments in object technology and their impact in computing systems re-engineering
  • Provides support for constructing large scale systems that are cheaply built and with reusable components, adaptable to changing requirements and use efficient and cost-effective techniques
  • Contains the content of the first UK Colloquium on Object Technology and Systems Re-Engineering held at Oxford University in 1998

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