The Last Good Man by Patrice Franklin
The Last Good Man by Patrice Franklin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Charles Budrow and Wanda Harold are an unlikely match. Charles is a church-going, spirit-filled supervisor for DC's MetroBus system; Wanda is a newly cast aside wife who grew up in the pampered bosom of the Black bourgeoisie. In Wanda's childhood home, God was considered a myth. The Mathews family god was alcohol, and Wanda worships daily at its altar. But it will take more than wine to help Wanda see her three children though the adjustment of life without their father. Wanda can return to her childhood home and the domineering clutches of her mother, or find a new man who can support her family. Given this plan, Charles the Bus Driver is hardly a suitable candidate. But there is much more to Charles than country charm and a bus uniform. Through Charles, Wanda discovers the God within herself. And it will take everything she has learned to deal with her manipulative husband when he decides that he wants her back and that no bus driver is going to block his moves.From reader reviews:
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