Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Book Design (abrams studio) by Andrew Haslam

Book Design (abrams studio) by Andrew Haslam

Book Design (abrams studio)

Book Design (abrams studio) by Andrew Haslam PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From award-winning writer and designer Andrew Haslam comes the final word on book design. This authoritative text guides readers through establishing formats, constructing grids, choosing typefaces, designing a jacket, and, finally, preparing materials for the printer, with more than 300 illustrations to demonstrate every aspect of the process. Interviews with professional book designers provide valuable insight, and an extensive glossary of editorial, design, and production terms make a handy reference for the burgeoning new designer.

Book Design is one of three titles this spring from Abrams Studio, our new imprint dedicated to providing artists and designers with innovative, affordable books to help them improve their skills.

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