Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ Lessons in Space by Molly Tabachnikov

Lessons in Space by Molly Tabachnikov

Lessons in Space

Lessons in Space by Molly Tabachnikov PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Mylla Lessons is used to living and teaching in the cerasteel sphere that is 26th century Earth. But she can’t get used to the ever stricter rules handed down by the Artificial Intelligences that dominate Worldgov and every aspect of life on Earth. Then she discovers anomalies in their behavior. She is determined to find the truth in spite of warnings from Jorey, her former Supervisor and long-time sexing partner. Ignoring the hints of danger, she seeks the help of Brudell Turing, the great cyberneticist, and his assistant, Shan Carpenter. Used to a culture that encourages casual sex and doesn’t allow exclusive relationships, Shan stirs feelings she never had before and doesn’t understand. And now the AIs have singled her out as a troublemaker…

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