MCTS 70-680 Cert Guide: Microsoft Windows 7, Configuring (Certification Guide) by Don Poulton
MCTS 70-680 Cert Guide: Microsoft Windows 7, Configuring (Certification Guide) by Don Poulton PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Start-to-finish MCTS 70-680 preparation from top Microsoft technology consultant, trainer, and author Don Poulton!
- Windows 7 installation, upgrades, and deployment
- User and application migration
- Windows 7 deployment
- Physical and virtual hard disk configuration and management
- Windows Update
- Device and application configuration
- Internet Explorer configuration
- Networking, including TCP/IP configuration
- Firewall settings
- Mobile and remote computing
- Secure access control for local and shared resources
- System performance management and monitoring
- Backups, system recovery, and file recovery
Test your knowledge, build your confidence, and succeed!
- Packed with visuals to help you learn fast
- Dozens of troubleshooting scenarios
- Real-world MCTS 70-680 prep advice from experts
- Easy-to-use exam preparation task lists
From Don Poulton, professional Microsoft technology consultant, IT training expert, and best-selling exam guide author
CD Includes Complete Sample Exam
- Detailed explanations of correct and incorrect answers
- Multiple test modes
- Random questions and order of answers
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