Civil Engineering PE Practice Exams: Breadth and Depth by Indranil Goswami
Civil Engineering PE Practice Exams: Breadth and Depth by Indranil Goswami PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Don't Let the Real Test Be Your First Test!
Presented in the Breadth and Depth format of the actual exam, this comprehensive guide is filled with hundreds of realistic practice questions based on the Principles and Practice of Civil Engineering (PE-CIVIL) exam, given by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES). Detailed solutions, including equations and diagrams, are provided for every question. Civil Engineering PE Practice Exams offers intensive test preparation and is the perfect companion to Civil Engineering PE All-in-One Exam Guide.
- Structural: materials, member design, design criteria
- Geotechnical: soil mechanics, foundations, excavation, seismic issues
- Water resources and environmental: hydraulics, hydrology, water supply and quality, wastewater treatment
- Transportation: capacity analysis, planning, freeways, multilane highways
- Construction: scheduling, estimating, quality control, safety
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